For my third textual analysis I have looked at the music video by Beyonce for her number one hit ‘If I Were A Boy’. I have looked at this video because it is very different compared to other videos as it is more like a short film. It is also a video that relates to the lyrics of the song in a way that feels authentic for the audience.

The narrative of the video is of a ordinary couple having an ordinary day with the roles reversed in the relationship. This represents the image of Beyonce and the female stature she has in the public eye. The aim of this video is to show how women are treated in some relationships and how they want men to know how they feel.
The opening of the video starts with a medium close up of Beyonce against a white wall and dressed in a white top. This makes her look very normal and ordinary to anyone else. This is emphasised as she isn’t wearing any makeup and her hair is straight and combed back. She isn’t made to look glamorous. This is emphasising her as being ordinary and relating her to any woman. The video goes against others by having dialogue at the start of the video instead starting with miming. This is more interesting for the audience and also different. We then see the male character in the same setting and same sort of expression on his face. This makes them relate to one another and makes it obvious they are talking to each other but looking at the camera makes it personal for the audience. They are saying words ‘ intimacy’, ‘honesty’, ‘commitment’, ‘you’, ‘me’. These are all words that are linked with relationships and marriage. This is setting the diegesis of the video and how a relationships has ideals. As Beyonce says ‘me’ it cuts to a close up to make it more personal and emotional. The video0 is filmed in black and white which connotates hopelessness which could refer to the relationship and how it has no spark or energy between them anymore. As the male character sets the table for breakfast we see her rushing and only taking a piece of food for her breakfast instead of staying for. This is already breaking the ideology of a typical relationship as it would normally be the male who has her position.

The shaky camera used shows that her job is hectic and full of action. It then cuts to her partner at work but at a desk and bare surroundings. The juxtaposition of these shots show the difference in their lives and how they contrast. However they both have colleagues who are interested in them but instead of going out with them the male makes up excuses to stay at work. This is again breaking the ideals that the audience have towards the male character. The shots when the female character is firing guns reinforce the ideas that she is a confident and independent woman. The two shot of her and her partner practising show the chemistry they have. The shot of her at a meal with her colleagues is shot through a window which is like she is being watched. It also reinforces the idea that she would rather spend time with her colleagues. When she is seen handling a criminal she is again seen as strong but also dominant by the low angle shots used. As they get into the car to go out Beyonce is in the drivers seat which reinforces her dominance in the relationship.

The scene with the dialogue is the point of which the roles are reversed for the audience. The point of the reversal is when the male character laughs and repeats the line Beyonce has used but in a way of being arrogant. The editing is a shot reverse shot and like a film scene. Beyonce isd sat down which puts her in a less dominant position than we have seen earlier in the video. As it fades out the song resumes and the scenes are repeated like the beginning but the roles reversed. When the roles are switched we finally see Beyonce miming to the song. This is because she is finally telling how the narrative is for the woman role and what she could do if she was a boy.
The mise-en-scene is iconographic to police. Even though it is filmed in black and white the costume and car are still iconic to a police officer. The house is very bare and simple which connotates the relationship between the two characters. For example white walls and simple decor.
The editing of this video is common within music videos by the way of using very short clips and the cuts going with the beat of the music. This music video included a scene where the two characters talk without the music. This was edited in a way that was like a film scene and involved Shot Reverse Shot's, Close Ups, and a Long shot to establish the distance beteween them.

This video is a way of showing how ideals are switched and changed in society. Instead of the female depending on the male and being reliant she is seen to be independent and strong.
The genre of this music video is drama as it is based on real life situations and the events of the two main characters. This video is representing modern society and the genre representations of men and women.
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